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Endometrial Cancer

Endometrial Cancer

Endometrial carcinoma is one such type of cancer that develops in the uterus.


Endometrial cancer first appears in the layer of cells that makes up the uterine lining (endometrium). Uterine cancer is another name for endometrial cancer. Uterine sarcoma is one of the other cancers that can develop in the uterus, but it is much less common than endometrial cancer.


Because it frequently results in abnormal vaginal bleeding, endometrial cancer is frequently detected at an early stage. When endometrial cancer is caught early, it can frequently be treated surgically by removing the uterus.




  1. Endometrioid adenocarcinoma - The most typical type of uterine and endometrial cancer.
  2. Uterine papillary serous carcinoma - This aggressive but less common kind of uterine and endometrial cancer develops in the uterine lining.
  3. Uterine clear cell carcinoma - With less than 5% of occurrences, this is an even more uncommon variety.
  4. Uterine sarcoma - The muscle wall of the uterus, also known as the myometrium, is where uterine sarcoma grows. Uterine sarcoma accounts for less than 10% of cases of uterine cancer. One of the most aggressive forms of uterine cancer is uterine sarcoma.




Uterine cancer symptoms can resemble those of many different diseases. That is particularly true for various illnesses that affect the reproductive organs. Speak with your healthcare provider if you experience any unusual pain, lower abdomen, abnormal discharge per vaginum, heavy menstrual bleeding, bleeding in between menses. For you to get the greatest care, it's essential to get a precise diagnosis.

The following are symptoms and indicators of uterine sarcoma and endometrial cancer:

  1. Postmenopausal vaginal bleeding or spotting
  2. Lower abdominal pain or cramps directly below your belly.
  3. Foul smelling discharge which may be thin, white, or clear vaginal discharge
  4. You might encounter unusually heavy, persistent, or recurrent vaginal bleeding if you're under 45 years of age.




A review of your medical history and a complete physical examination are required for the diagnosis of endometrial cancer. It might also consist of a few of the following:

  1. Internal pelvic exam - This is done to feel the uterus for any lumps or changes in shape.
  2. Transvaginal ultrasound (also called ultrasonography) - A transducer, a tiny device used in this ultrasound examination, is inserted into the vagina. If the endometrium appears too thick, the doctor might perform a biopsy.
  3. Pap test (also called Pap smear) - In this test, cells taken from the cervix are examined under a microscope to look for changes that could be cancer or could lead to cancer as well as non-cancerous conditions like infection or inflammation. The Pap test, however, misses endometrial cancer.
  4. Endometrial biopsy - In this operation, an endometrial tissue sample is obtained by inserting a short, flexible tube into the uterus. The collected endometrial tissue is examined under a microscope to determine whether cancer or other aberrant cells are present. In a doctor's office, an endometrial biopsy procedure is frequently carried out.
  5. Dilation and curettage (also called D&C) - If an endometrial biopsy is not feasible or if more diagnostic data is required, your doctor might suggest a D&C. The cervix is dilated (opened) during this quick procedure so that the uterine lining and cervical canal can be scraped with a curette. The pathologist looks for cancer cells in the tissue.




Surgery is usually required for endometrial cancer patients. The type of cancer you have and your general health will determine your specific treatment regimen. Other therapies you might receive include:

  1. Chemotherapy kills cancer cells using medicines.
  2. Using radiation therapy, cancer cells are killed by sending precise radiation beams.
  3. Using hormones or blocking them, hormone therapy can be used to treat cancer.
  4. Immunotherapy supports your body's defenses against cancer.
  5. Targeted therapy, employs drugs to specifically target cancer cells to prevent their growth.




Endometrial cancer, which is more common, and uterine sarcoma are two types of uterine cancer. The most typical malignancy to impact a person's reproductive system is this one. Bleeding between periods or after menopause is one of the symptoms of uterine cancer. Surgery can treat uterine cancer if it is discovered by medical professionals before it spreads. You should speak with your healthcare professional if you see any uterine cancer symptoms.

Medanta Medical Team
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