![International Patient Main](https://www.medanta.org/storage/banners/October2023//6zMYdqeIQflNpFRqbNXgFCqrtF90GB-metaSlVJYk82NHdDM0dpUDJaOEhzQ0pPMUp4dlZLSml1LW1ldGFiV0Z3TG5CdVp3PT0tLnBuZw==-.png)
International Patients
Here’s what your treatment journey will look like at Medanta:
Our clinical team thoroughly analyses your medical history based on the case summaries provided by you before your arrival.
![Case Assessment](https://www.medanta.org/storage/cms/October2023//qnv60OdD1zO2lSvrOti9adWxQNrtUZ-metaSGF2ZSB5b3VyIG1lZGljYWwgaGlzdG9yeSBhbmFseXNlZC5wbmc=-.png)
A teleconsultation between you and our clinician is conducted to discuss your case and address any initial concerns before your physical visit.
![Teleconsultation (if required)](https://www.medanta.org/storage/cms/October2023//e7o73lcftnQZ8c7uMPhVb7UFnqLfch-metaQ29uc3VsdCBldmVuIGJlZm9yZSBtYWtpbmcgYSB0cmlwLnBuZw==-.png)
Our dedicated team assists you in scheduling appointments with the relevant specialists, ensuring a streamlined and efficient process.
![Appointment Assistance](https://www.medanta.org/storage/cms/October2023//XdR1yxUUGab4PFztObbXaCkRdDFO2h-metaQ29uZmlybSBkYXRlcywgd2UnbGwgc29ydCBvdXQgcmVzdC5wbmc=-.png)
For international patients, we provide comprehensive visa assistance to facilitate a hassle-free entry into the country for your medical treatment.
![Visa Assistance](https://www.medanta.org/storage/cms/December2023//v5MuSd2pZaMOGKI3b6uM6XS6eX2YDR-metaY29uc3VsdGF0aW9uLnBuZw==-.png)
Enjoy the convenience of complimentary pick-up and drop services to and from the airport, ensuring a comfortable start and end to your journey.
![Complementary Pick-up and Drop](https://www.medanta.org/storage/cms/December2023//wzhRK4s7QOogOtTv52PizMg9hQaZKO-metacGlja3VwLnBuZw==-.png)
We offer full-time foreign language interpreter services in languages such as Russian, Arabic, Bengali, Burmese, and Persian to enhance communication and understanding during your stay.
![Foreign Language Interpreter Service](https://www.medanta.org/storage/cms/December2023//nDJY78zTIvzWXOLS3wM8AMoCa6yJd4-metabGFuZ2lhZ2UgaW50ZXJwcmV0ZXIucG5n-.png)
Experience a swift and hassle-free check-in process through our dedicated International Patient's Lounge, ensuring a comfortable and efficient arrival.
![Express Check-In at International Patient's Lounge](https://www.medanta.org/storage/cms/December2023//c2alGxspSgghK84JX8isbuGeOgk0t6-metabG91bmdlLnBuZw==-.png)
Throughout your stay, a dedicated buddy or staff member is assigned to you to provide personalised assistance and ensure smooth coordination during your entire treatment journey.
![Dedicated Buddy/Staff Allocation](https://www.medanta.org/storage/cms/December2023//CxoIh7iS7GzVxapNNfnjkjCs6Oruzh-metac3RhZmYucG5n-.png)
Upon admission, we provide international patients and their attendants with a choice of vegetarian and non-vegetarian cuisine. Our goal is to ensure your nutritional needs are met during your stay.
![Food Arrangements](https://www.medanta.org/storage/cms/December2023//j8sRjtL6AwClUSCdBnflEA4f1jc0M6-metaRm9vZC5wbmc=-.png)
We can assist in arranging affordable and comfortable guest house accommodations to ensure a pleasant and convenient stay for you and your accompanying members.
![Affordable and Comfortable Guest House Arrangement (if required)](https://www.medanta.org/storage/cms/December2023//wzEQY77ZmgwwiqcavQJYpqA6rvbGxU-metaZ3Vlc3QgaG91c2UucG5n-.png)
In case of emergency or specific medical needs, we offer ambulance pick-up services to transport you safely to the hospital.
![Ambulance Pick-Up (if required)](https://www.medanta.org/storage/cms/December2023//m8ZMtl5lq1bKmvf4q9wmv9Ha3svhER-metadmlzYSBmcmVlLnBuZw==-.png)
Best Private Hospital For Four Years In A Row
Best Private Hospital For Four Years In A Row
Medanta Gurugram Best Private Hospital In India For 4 Years In A Row - Newsweek
Medanta Gurugram Among Top Hospitals In 9 Categories - Times Health Survey
Medanta Gurugram Best Hospital For Neurosurgery, Neurology - India Today Awards
Medanta Gurugram Best Hospital for Medical Tourism - India Healthcare Awards
Medanta Gurugram Best Multi-Speciality Hospital in India - Times Health Survey