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About Second Opinion

Prioritising your health means understanding all aspects of the condition and proposed treatment before making any decisions. If you're concerned about interpreting your medical reports accurately, we...

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Prioritising your health means understanding all aspects of the condition and proposed treatment before making any decisions. If you're concerned about interpreting your medical reports accurately, we have got you covered. With our  Second Opinion programme, India's top clinical experts will provide a thorough review and personalised guidance based on your reports. Access some of the best minds in healthcare through our verified opinions and ensure informed decision-making.

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Here’s How You Can Avail A Second Opinion At Medanta
  • Step 1

    Register by entering the caregiver or patient details

  • Step 2
    Submit Medical Report
    Submit Medical Report

    Scan the reports and upload them, connect with us for any issues related to registration/uploading

  • Step 3
    Get Personalised Plans in 2 Days
    Get Personalised Plans in 2 Days

    Every case will be mapped to a specialist, who will share relevant advice after carefully studying the case reports

Understand When To Take Second Opinion
When in doubt about a diagnosis or treatment plan, get assurance from our specialists.
  • Diagnosed with a critical ailment
  • Doctors have suggested an invasive surgery
  • If the recommended treatment is risky, invasive or has lifelong consequences
  • Diagnosed with cancer (false positive or false negative)
  • Diagnosed with a rare disease
  • Have a condition that isn't improving or is getting worse, despite treatment
  • Need expert advice on deciding between multiple treatment options
About Second Opinion
Taking A Second Opinion Is Important In More Ways Than One
Assurance of getting the right diagnosis and being on the right treatment plan
  • Assurance of getting the right diagnosis and being on the right treatment plan

    Assurance of getting the right diagnosis and being on the right treatment plan
  • Peace of mind after case review by expert and experienced doctors

    Peace of mind after case review by expert and experienced doctors
  • Ease of choosing between multiple treatment plans

    Ease of choosing between multiple treatment plans
  • Confidence in making an informed decision

    Confidence in making an informed decision
Get A Fresh Perspective By Opting For Medanta’s Second Opinion
Multi-disciplinary team of doctors
Multi-disciplinary team of doctors
Top-of-line testing & diagnostic facility
Top-of-line testing & diagnostic facility
Care management plan
Care management plan
Personalised team plan
Personalised team plan
What is the purpose of seeking a Second Opinion at Medanta?

Medanta's Second Opinion service provides an additional perspective from a team of experienced specialists on your diagnosis and treatment plan. This can help you feel confident and informed about your healthcare choices, especially for complex cases or uncertainties about the initial diagnosis or treatment options.

How long does it take to get a Second Opinion?

Our streamlined process ensures a quick turnaround. Once you submit your medical records and query, a dedicated Case Manager will review your case and connect you with the relevant specialist within 48 hours. You can expect a comprehensive response with treatment recommendations within 2 days.

How many questions can I ask the expert?

We want you to feel comfortable and informed. During your consultation, you can ask as many questions as needed to understand your diagnosis and treatment options clearly. While there isn't a strict limit, it's advisable to focus on key concerns to facilitate a more effective and detailed response from the specialist. Our specialists are dedicated to addressing your concerns in a patient and informative manner.

Why is seeking a Second Opinion important?

Seeking a second opinion is crucial for several reasons. It provides patients with an additional perspective from a different medical expert, helping to confirm diagnoses, explore alternative treatment options, and ensure the most accurate and comprehensive understanding of their health condition. A second opinion can also enhance confidence in the proposed treatment plan, empowering patients to make informed decisions about their healthcare.

When do I need a Second Opinion?

If you find yourself facing a complex or critical medical diagnosis, unsure about your treatment options, or seeking additional clarity on your health condition, it is advisable to consider getting a second opinion. Seeking a second opinion becomes particularly crucial when the proposed treatment plan involves significant risks, complex procedures, or life-altering decisions, ensuring you make informed choices about your healthcare journey.

How can I request a Second Opinion from a specialist at Medanta?

To request a second opinion from a specialist at Medanta Hospital, follow these steps:

Step 1 - Register: Submit the patient details on our Second Opinion page to initiate the process.

Step 2 - Submit Medical Report: Scan and upload your medical reports. If you encounter any issues during registration or uploading, connect with us for assistance.

Step 3 - Get Personalized Plans in 2 Days: Every case will be assigned to a specialist who will thoroughly study the provided case reports. Expect personalised advice within 2 days of submission.

Can I include more records, lab reports, or scans during an ongoing case?

Yes, patients can include more records, labs, or scans during an ongoing case at Medanta Hospital. Providing comprehensive and up-to-date information helps the specialist make a more accurate assessment and may lead to valuable insights for refining the treatment plan. Patients are encouraged to communicate any additional information through the established channels for a thorough evaluation.

Can I choose a specific specialist for getting a Second Opinion?

Yes, patients usually have the option to choose a specific specialist for their second opinion at Medanta Hospital. The hospital will make every effort to match patients with the appropriate expert based on their medical condition and preferences. Our specialists will discuss any discrepancies with you in detail and offer their recommendations.

Does the Second Opinion service include any follow-up care or treatment recommendations?

While the second opinion focuses on reviewing your existing diagnosis and treatment plan, our specialists may offer recommendations for further investigations or alternative treatment options based on their expertise. In that case, we can connect you with appropriate specialists for further consultation or treatment at our facility, with your prior consent and after consultation with your primary care physician. However, the final decision on your course of treatment will be made in consultation with your primary physician. 

Can I get a second opinion if I've already started treatment elsewhere?

Absolutely, you can seek a second opinion at any stage of your treatment, even if you've already initiated care elsewhere. Our specialists will review your case comprehensively and offer additional insights or alternative perspectives on your ongoing treatment. Your current treatment plan can be integrated into the second opinion process for a more holistic assessment.

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