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Mythbuster: Lemon water superpowers

Lemon juice and water are all that is required to make lemonade. The amount of lemon juice in lemon water might vary depending on preference. It can be consumed hot or cold.


Others decide to add other ingredients like honey, turmeric, mint leaves, or lemon rind. Due to reports that lemon water helps increase energy levels and metabolism, many individuals now drink it in the morning as a pleasant pick-me-up.


Lemons are rich in vitamin C, a powerful antioxidant. In reality, one lemon that has been squeezed gives a person about 21% of their daily worth. Lemons contain a lot of flavonoids, much like other citrus fruits like oranges, grapefruit, and limes. These substances support health and combat sickness.


Apart from that, lemons are not very nutrient-rich. Lemon water has very little protein, fat, carbohydrate, or sugar, as well as very little potassium, folate, and certain B vitamins.


Benefits of lemon water:


Given the distinct strengths of the lemon and water, it is reasonable to infer that their combination provides the body with a potent energy boost. Lemon water has fewer than 20 calories per glass. Because it promotes healthy digestion, it is the ideal beverage for the morning. Additionally, it makes it easier for the body to get rid of waste or poisons.


The following are the listed benefits of lemon water:


  1. Antioxidants and flavonoids: Lemons are a good source of flavonoids, which are plant components with antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. Lemons also contain vitamin C, a potent antioxidant. Citrus flavonoids also reduce inflammatory conditions in the body.
  2. Help with kidney stones: Lemons' citric acid may aid in preventing kidney stones. Contrary to popular belief, citrate, a constituent of citric acid, render the urine less acidic and could even help dissolve tiny stones. Citric acid is present in lemon juice, but significant amounts may be required to raise the pH of your urine.
  3. Help with digestion: Before meals, sipping lemon water may aid in promoting and improving digestion. This is due to research showing that the citric acid in lemon juice increases gastric acid production, a digestive fluid generated in the stomach that helps your body digest meals.
  4. Healthy drink alternative: The main source of refined sugar in the American diet is sweetened drinks such as juice, soda, sports drinks, sweetened water, and energy drinks. Regular use of these drinks is linked to several health problems, such as weight gain, obesity, type 2 diabetes, heart disease, etc. Switching to lemon water might help you reduce your sugar intake without sacrificing flavour if you frequently seek for sweet, fruit-flavoured beverages to relieve your thirst.




There are several more health benefits associated with lemon water, however, the majority lack any supporting scientific data. Even some of them have been proven false through research.


Here are a few widespread misconceptions regarding lemon water's health advantages.


  1. Weight loss: Lemons include a form of fibre known as pectin, which might also help decrease hunger and calorie consumption. This is why lemon water is thought to promote weight reduction. But Lemon water has very little pectin because it is essentially just lemon juice that has been diluted. Lemon water does not appear to be any more advantageous for weight reduction than regular water.
  2. Alkalizes the body: The body is alkalized by lemon water, but what a person eats or drinks has little bearing on how acidic their blood or body cells are. The health advantages of eating more alkaline foods—which include fruits and vegetables—can be positive, but it's doubtful that these advantages would result from the foods' impacts on the body's acidity levels.
  3. Lemon water prevents cancer: According to certain authorities, lemon water may help prevent cancer. This is based on the idea that some cancer cells cannot survive in an alkaline environment, which is a fundamental tenet of the alkaline diet philosophy. This assertion is untrue, according to the American Institute for Cancer Research, because a person's diet has no impact on the acidity of their blood or body cells.
  4. Cleanses and detoxes: Water aids in the body's detoxification and cleansing processes by facilitating regular bowel motions and urine production. Lemon water is not superior to regular water for this purpose, albeit there is no data to support this.
  5. Increases intelligence: While drinking water can improve attention and concentration, it does not affect the intellect.
  6. Acts as a diuretic: A diuretic is a chemical that induces urine, and lemon water is an excellent diuretic. Furthermore, any item that includes potassium may cause an increase in urine production. That covers almost all vegetables, meat, dairy, and fruits, even lemons.


Side effects: 


Lemons contain citric acid, which over time might destroy tooth enamel. Drink lemon water with a straw to reduce the danger, and then wash your mouth with regular water. Citrus fruits are also known to promote the formation of stomach acid and may induce heartburn in certain people.




Lemon water is a refreshing drink and an easy way to enhance your daily dose of antioxidants and vitamin C. Water may taste better when you add a squeeze of lemon to it, which may encourage you to consume less sugary juice and sports drink. While additional study is required, lemon water may benefit weight loss while also enhancing digestion.

Medanta Medical Team
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