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Fatigue Management During COVID-19

Fatigue Management During COVID-19

The onset of coronavirus has altered the way we were living and has created a feeling of uncertainty about the future. It is seen that fatigue is related to various factors, including changes in work schedules and routines and concern about economic stability and health.

Chronic fatigue is classified as fatigue lasting more than six weeks.

The impact of fatigue is more than just lower productivity. You can manage your fatigue through the following:

  • Planning for demanding (physically, mentally) and repetitive tasks
  • Regular staggered breaks during a day allow for both physical and mental restoration as well as social distancing
  • Days off during the week
  • Plan your day schedule to allow you a better plan for completing your work as well as sleep between work periods

Acknowledging the sources of fatigue can allow for targeted, efficacious mitigation strategies to keep everyone healthy and safe.

Gaining your physical strength back- Post- Covid Recovery

As more people recover from COVID-19 across the country, many are facing another rising challenge: rebuilding the physical strength and respiratory stamina that has vanished during long hospital stays or weeks in bed.

 Breathlessness Scale: This is a scale that asks you to rate the difficulty of your breathing during exercise. It starts at number 0 where your breathing is causing you no difficulty at all and progresses through to number 10 where your breathing difficulty is maximal. It is expected that you have a scale of 3-4 during exercise for it to be effective.

0 Nothing at all

0.5Very, very slight (Just Noticeable)

1 Very Slight

2 Slight

3 Moderate

4 Somewhat Severe

 5 6, Severe

7 Very Severe

8 9  Very, very severe (almost maximal)

10 Maximal

Dr. Saumya Agarwal
Meet The Doctor
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