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Chlamydia: Symptoms, Causes and Its Treatment

Chlamydia: Symptoms, Causes and Its Treatment

STI Chlamydia is a common source of sexually transmitted infections (STIs) because of the bacterium that it is produced by. When chlamydia is first discovered, there are no symptoms to look for in the patient. If you have any doubts about whether you have chlamydia, you should seek the advice of a doctor or other healthcare professional.


The symptoms of chlamydia may be similar to those of other sexually transmitted infections. Check out this page to have a better idea of the effects of different STIs.

How is Chlamydia Transmitted?


A chlamydia infection may be spread via unprotected sexual intercourse and unprotected oral sex. It is not necessary for penetration to occur in order to contract it. Genital contact has the potential to spread germs. Anal intercourse might also be a time when it is possible to contract it.


Chlamydia may be passed from mother to child after delivery. If you have any doubts about whether or whether you have chlamydia, ask your OB-GYN at your first pregnancy exam.


The most frequent way to get chlamydia in the eyes is by oral or vaginal contact, although this isn't all that common. Even if a person has successfully treated chlamydia in the past, the infection might recur. 


Chlamydia Symptoms


Chlamydia doesn't always manifest itself in the form of symptoms. Most women (about 70%) and most males (around 50%) are thought to be immune to infection. One to three weeks after exposure, symptoms usually begin, but might take up to six weeks. For example, HPV has been shown to be able to infect the fallopian tubes and urethra, as well as the epididymis, which is the tube that stores and transmits sperm.


The urethra is where chlamydia commonly begins in males. As the day progresses, chlamydia symptoms may become more noticeable, or they may not be noticeable at all. These are some examples:


  • epididymitis, an inflammation of the coiled tube
  •  Testicular soreness, tenderness, and swelling 
  • If the infection extends to the testicles through the urethra, it may cause sterility, which is known as prostatitis.


The cervix is where chlamydia generally starts in women. Symptoms that are more common in women include:


  • inflamed uterus and fallopian tubes
  • irreversible damage to the fallopian tubes, uterus, and ovaries; (this can cause infertility, ectopic pregnancy and chronic pain)

About 20% to 50% of newborns delivered to chlamydia-infected moms have an eye infection, and it generally happens within two weeks after birth. Damage to eyesight may occur if the infection isn't treated in a timely manner. Pneumonia affects between 5 and 30 per cent of newborns delivered to infected moms during the first two to 12 weeks of life. Chlamydial pneumonia may produce a wide range of symptoms, from moderate to severe, including breathing difficulties and a recurrent cough.


Chlamydia Causes


Chlamydia trachomatis is a bacterial infection that causes chlamydia (C. trachomatis). It is possible for chlamydia to infect any of the aforementioned organs as well as the genital area, vagina, uterus, urethra, eye, throat, and anus. The reproductive system might be seriously and perhaps permanently damaged by it.


People may be infected with chlamydial infection and transmit it to a sexual partner without even realising it since the condition typically goes undetected and without symptoms.


As soon as possible after treatment, pregnant women who have been diagnosed with chlamydial disease will need to have a blood test to confirm that the infection has not returned.


Chlamydia Diagnosis 


The cervix, rectum, urethra, or throat may all be sampled with a cotton swab by a clinician for bacterial growth. Additionally, a urine sample may be collected. A chlamydia test will be performed on these samples. When chlamydia and gonorrhoea are being tested for, physicians will also check for the other.


It's possible that your sexual partners are sick despite the lack of symptoms, therefore you should take them to the doctor so they may be checked as well. Chlamydia testing and chlamydia infection treatment should be administered to everyone who has had intercourse within the last 60 days. Those who have not had a partner in the previous 60 days should be tested and treated for the most recent one. If you're not comfortable doing so, your doctor may reach out to your prior lovers on your behalf.


Chlamydia Treatment and Prevention


With antibiotics, chlamydia may be treated swiftly and effectively, often with only one tablet. Every year, despite the simplicity of treatment, hundreds of individuals die from major problems including infertility and chronic pain because they were unaware of the signs until it was too late. Do not wait for symptoms to appear before seeking medical attention for chlamydia treatment; schedule regular visits. The greater the number of sexual partners you have, the greater your chance of contracting chlamydia.


To spread chlamydia inadvertently, or to obtain it from someone who doesn't realise they have it, is feasible since this infection may exist without symptoms. When it comes to chlamydia, women are more likely than males to be completely ignorant of their infection. Condoms may help reduce the risk of transmission and should be used during the course of intercourse.


Antibiotics are used to treat chlamydia in men, women, and infants. A person's specific needs and the infection's severity will dictate their treatment options.


Even if you don't notice any symptoms or if they go away fast, you should complete the whole course of antibiotics. If symptoms persist for more than a week after therapy is completed, contact your doctor. A follow-up appointment may be necessary six months after the conclusion of your treatment to ensure that the infection is completely eliminated.


At least one week following your final dosage of therapy, you should refrain from having intercourse.




Chlamydia is a common bacterial illness that is spread via sexual contact. Screening may help determine whether a person is at risk, even if they exhibit no symptoms.


It may lead to long-term consequences if it isn't treated. As a result, people who may be at risk should get therapy and undergo screening.

Medanta Medical Team
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