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The Link Between Diabetes And Heart Disease

The Link Between Diabetes And Heart Disease

India - a country with more than 70 million registered diabetics, has now become the diabetes capital of the world. This is especially disconcerting,  given the fact that people suffering from Diabetes also have a 2-4x higher chance of suffering from cardiovascular events like heart attacks or stroke.

Diabetes and heart diseases are two killer diseases that are deeply linked to each other, Read on to learn how.


How Do Diabetes and Heart Diseases Occur?


In diabetes, the body is either unable to produce or regulate insulin leading to accumulation of blood glucose. Heart diseases, on the other hand, are caused due to mechanical issues that can affect the heart’s ability to pump blood as well as restrict the flow of blood around the body.


How are Diabetes and Heart Disease Linked?


[caption id="attachment_12876" align="alignnone" width="630"]complications of diabetes complications of diabetes[/caption]


People suffering from diabetes generally have higher than usual levels of glucose in their bodies. This can increase their heart disease risk factor since high glucose can cause stiffening of their arteries and damage their blood vessels over time. This can eventually lead to the formation of blockages that can disrupt the flow of blood to and from the heart and lead to cardiac breakdowns like heart attacks and stroke.    


What Can Be Done to Prevent This


[caption id="attachment_12877" align="alignnone" width="630"]prevention of diabetes and heart disease prevention of diabetes and heart disease[/caption]


Here are some steps you can take to lower your risk of Heart problems when you suffer from Diabetes. 


  1. Quit smoking immediately and avoid regular alcohol consumption.

  2. Obesity is a growing health concern in today's time, get down to your ideal weight starting today.

  3. Exercise daily for at least 30 minutes, be it a brisk walk, a few laps in the pool or some sport.

  4. Start eating healthy right away - get a diet plan or guidelines from your doctor and follow it strictly.

  5. Take steps to consciously avoid stress triggers in your life.

  6. Getting the right amount of sleep is just as important as diet and exercise. Make sure you get 7 to 9 hours of uninterrupted sleep everyday.

  7. Get annual checkups.


If you feel any discomfort, especially in the chest or heart, immediately get a medical consultation.


Medanta Medical Team
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