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If These Symptoms Appear in The Body During Urination - This Could Be an Indication of Prostate Cancer

Prostate cancer ranks as the second most common cancer in men, and its symptoms can be subtle and easily overlooked. People often dismiss or ignore these symptoms, mistaking them for a common urinary infection.


The prostate, a crucial male sexual organ located below the urinary bladder and in the penis, plays a role in sexual function. Despite being a prevalent cancer, prostate cancer doesn't always exhibit specific symptoms. 


It is typically detected through routine checkups, especially during a prostate-specific antigen (PSA) test. Symptoms may manifest when the cancer is advanced, and common urinary issues like frequent urination, nocturia (urinating at night), and urgency may arise. However, these symptoms can also result from non-cancerous conditions, such as benign prostate enlargement.


Differentiating between UTI and prostate cancer symptoms can be challenging, as both may include frequent urination and a burning sensation while urinating. To discern, a routine urine test is conducted to identify any infection. 


UTI patients often exhibit fever and complain of pain, which aids in distinguishing between the two conditions. It's crucial to consult a doctor for a comprehensive evaluation and accurate diagnosis.


Symptoms of Prostate cancer


Prostate cancer doesn't typically exhibit specific symptoms, making its detection challenging. A blue test is often administered during routine checkups, and any enlargement detected in the annual checkup may raise suspicion. 


It's important to note that an enlarged prostate is a common occurrence, and symptoms like frequent urination, nocturia, and urgency may signal prostate enlargement unrelated to cancer.


Specific symptoms of prostate cancer may only become apparent in advanced stages. Consequently, urinary symptoms such as frequent urination and a burning sensation during urination are not exclusive indicators of prostate cancer. These symptoms can also arise from non-cancerous conditions, including prostate enlargement.


Cancer symptoms typically manifest at later stages.  For instance, if prostate cancer spreads to other body parts, such as the chest, it can cause coughing, or if it extends to the bones, it may cause pain. Detecting symptoms early is crucial, as symptoms due to prostate size, age, or environmental factors may not be specific. 


How To Differentiate B/W UTI And Prostate Cancer Symptoms?


It's crucial to emphasize that the presence of urinary symptoms alone does not confirm prostate cancer. To distinguish between various causes, a comprehensive approach is necessary. Conducting a urine routine and assessing urine color can aid in identifying potential infections. 


Furthermore, patients may experience fever and report discomfort in cases of urinary tract infections. When confronted with symptoms like frequent urination, burning sensations, and pain, a thorough examination is essential to determine the underlying cause, whether it be infection or prostate-related issues.


After completing this procedure, it's advisable to share the findings on infection through a tweet and repeat the process after a week. If the issue persists and the results remain normal, it could indicate an infection.


While a blood tint in the urine might seem concerning, it's not always indicative of a problem. Nevertheless, any occurrence of blood color in the urine should be investigated. Prostate cancer, when present, is treatable. 


Prostate Cancer Treatments

Surgical options, including robotic surgery for swift recovery or alternative treatments like radiation and hormones, are available.  If experiencing frequent urination, persistent blue color in urine, or a burning sensation for an extended period, consult a doctor promptly. Ignoring these symptoms may lead to the spread of prostate cancer, posing a potentially fatal risk.




Going for a regular checkup or going for any medical concern should not be put off, especially when your body is signaling abnormal signs. If you find yourself dealing with any of these symptoms, it's better to get a diagnosis sooner rather than later. Keeping track of symptoms during urination can help you catch potential risks such as prostate cancer early on. 


This blog has been converted from the PR Article - https://youtu.be/IPaPPrq3d_0?si=S2ujPTNxvXT5GqyT

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