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Heart Health & Exercises: What You Must Know?

One of the healthiest things you can do is build your heart muscle. Exercising regularly is, of course, essential for maintaining a healthy heart. Compared to those who exercise, those who don't have a much higher risk of developing heart disease. Those concerned about their heart health or with a family history of heart disease should start an exercise regimen. To get the health benefits of regular heart exercise, experts advise devoting at least 150 minutes each week to the activity.


They mean that in addition to our regular daily activities, we should add 60 minutes of continuous moderate-intensity exercise (equal to walking or running at least at a 4 to 5 miles per hour speed). Read on for more information on exercise good for heart.


Where Did They Get the Idea Once a Day?


Scientific specialists compiled this study for the IOM. Every statement in this study is supported by scholarly research and thoughtfully interpreted in the context of the medical community's collective body of knowledge. This report is a thorough analysis of the current state of knowledge regarding the optimal ratio of energy intake (carbohydrates, fat, protein, etc.) to energy expenditure (exercise) to achieve and maintain a healthy weight, ideal body composition (i.e., the ratio of muscle to fat), and cardiovascular health.


The authors' findings on the benefits of exercise are consistent with the evidence they've collected. All of us adults, they concluded, need to exercise for at least one hour per day at a moderate intensity (or at least 30 minutes per day at a vigorous intensity) to maintain excellent cardiovascular health, a decent body weight, and a favourable body composition.


A Full 60 Minutes? Really?


While it's possible that exercising for an hour every day is exactly what we need, the expert’s suggestions highlight a problem with contemporary progressive thought. It may not be reasonable to expect individuals to alter their core personalities simply because a high-calibre panel of experts using cutting-edge research techniques has concluded that we should.


An expert's advice on how to live a healthy life is only helpful if it is within reach. And to insist that we spend at least an hour a day working out is beyond absurd; it's beyond description.


This new proposal is so absurd that it risks entirely negating any benefits that may have resulted thus far from more sensible recommendations for exercise.


Knowing how exercise improves the heart may serve as a potent incentive to start or resume an exercise routine. The following is important information.


  • Exercise Brings Down Blood Pressure


The best exercise for heart health acts similarly to beta-blocker drugs (at rest and when exercising) to reduce heart rate and blood pressure. When left untreated, hypertension may lead to cardiovascular problems.


  • Exercise is Essential for Managing Weight


To maximise cardiovascular health, reducing weight and keeping it off requires a combination of a healthy diet and regular physical activity, as Stewart advocates. The cardiovascular system suffers when someone is overweight, making them more susceptible to diseases like heart attack and stroke.


  • Muscles May be Strengthened by Exercise


Strength training (weight lifting, resistance training) and aerobic exercise (walking, jogging, swimming, and other intense heart-pumping activity, depending on your fitness level) are recommended for optimal heart health. Muscle oxygenation is enhanced as a result of these routines. So, the heart, a muscle, doesn't have to work as hard to provide the body's muscles with oxygen and nutrients.


  • Smoking Cessation with Exercise


More fit people tend to cut down or give up smoking. Smoking, which negatively affects the construction and function of blood arteries, is a leading risk factor for cardiovascular disease; therefore, persons who are already physically fit are less likely to start smoking.


Regular exercise for heart health, such as cycling, brisk walking, or swimming, has been shown to reduce the risk of developing diabetes by over 50% when combined with strength training. This is because it improves the muscle's ability to process glycogen, a fuel for energy that, when impaired, leads to excessive blood sugars and, ultimately, diabetes.


How Much Physical Activity is Ideal?


Here's a fact: research reveals that the more active you are, the less risk you have for cardiovascular disease (and the more calories you burn). The IOM has declared that we "need" to exercise for an hour daily. Still, the truth is that if we exercised for two hours every day, we'd be in even better shape. (At least in one respect, the IOM specialists who authored this study didn't completely abandon any pretence at pragmatism.)


You may stop reading now if you have time for an hour or two of daily exercise. However, the concern for the rest of us is how much exercise is required to provide even minimal cardiovascular benefits.


The answer is that the best exercise for heart, which takes significantly less than an hour every day on average, may lower cardiac risk by 30–50%, as shown by more than 40 studies in the scientific literature. The optimum cardiac advantages that the IOM recommends for us may not be attained by exercising at a moderate pace for 20–30 minutes at least five days a week. Still, you will be doing a lot of good for your heart and cardiovascular system.


Final Word


Stroke sufferers are encouraged to combat physical deconditioning and sedentary lives by having their doctors prescribe them an exercise program, as recommended by the experts. Your doctor will customise a treatment plan that considers your response, current health status, functional limits, personal preferences, and treatment options. Once normal daily activities are performed again or at a higher level than before the stroke, the patient may begin the rehabilitation program. Aerobic activity, weight training, flexibility, and balance training will all be a part of it.


Medanta Medical Team
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