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Health Pe Charcha: Understanding and Managing High Blood Pressure (Hypertension)


Hypertension, or high blood pressure, is a prevalent health issue that impacts a vast number of individuals globally. This condition is often referred to as the "silent murderer" since it usually does not exhibit discernible indications. However, if left unaddressed, hypertension can result in severe health problems, including heart attack, stroke, and renal failure. In this piece, we will discuss hypertension, its causes, and ways to manage it. 


What Is Hypertension?


Blood pressure refers to the compounding force exerted by blood upon the walls of the arterial pathways as it surges throughout the human circulatory system. When this arterial pressure gauge is perpetually elevated, this is classified as hypertension or high blood pressure, an all-too-common malady with significant health implications. 


While a typical, normal blood pressure reading usually hovers around the range of 120/80 mm Hg, a diagnosis of hypertension is made when the normal bp reading consistently measures 130/80 mm Hg or higher, necessitating immediate attention and intervention to manage this potentially perilous condition.


Causes of Hypertension


Lots of things can increase your blood pressure, like:


  1. Getting old: Blood pressure tends to go up as you get older.
  2. Genetics: If hypertension runs in your family, you might be more likely to get it.
  3. Putting on too much weight: Being obese or overweight can make you more likely to have high blood pressure.
  4. Eating too much: Eating too much salt and not enough potassium can raise your risk of hypertension.
  5. Being lazy: Sitting around all day can raise the risk of hypertension.
  6. Smoking: Cigarettes can harm your blood vessels and make you more likely to have high blood pressure.
  7. Being stressed out: Stress that just won't quit can make your blood pressure jump up and put you at risk for hypertension.


High Blood Pressure Symptoms


There can be numerous high blood pressure symptoms. Still, here are a few of them:


  1. Difficulty Breathing: If you're gasping for air or feeling winded after climbing a few flights, it could be a sign of hypertension. This condition can put undue stress on your lungs and heart, thus making it challenging to catch your breath.
  2. Wooziness: Feeling light-headed or disoriented can also be caused by hypertension. High blood pressure can narrow your brain's blood vessels, depriving your head of blood and oxygen.
  3. Blurry Eyes: The blood vessels in your peepers can be adversely impacted by hypertension, making your vision hazy. If your eyesight rapidly becomes blurry, it could be a sign of hypertension.
  4. Chest Discomfort: Pain or tightness in your chest could be linked to hypertension. The built-up pressure in your veins can force your heart muscles to work harder, potentially causing pain or tightness in your chest.
  5. Lack of Energy: Feeling depleted or sluggish can be a marker of hypertension. 
  6. Throbbing Headaches: If you're having throbbing headaches, mainly in the morning, it could be a sign of hypertension. The force in your blood vessels causes your skull to ache.


Managing Hypertension


Hypertension is a significant health concern affecting millions of individuals worldwide. Here are some lifestyle changes that can assist in managing and preventing hypertension:


  1. Eat healthy: Consume lots of veggies, fruits, whole grains, and clean protein. It can help lessen hypertension.
  2. Cut back on salt: Eating less salt plays an important role in reducing blood pressure.
  3. Exercise regularly: To reduce obesity risk and lower blood pressure you need to be physically active.
  4. Don't drink too much: Alcohol can raise blood pressure. Henceforth, controlling or avoiding alcohol consumption can aid in managing hypertension.
  5. Give up smoking: Kicking the habit can reduce the risk of hypertension and other health issues.
  6. Deal with stress: Individual stress can elevate blood pressure, hence, implementing stress-relieving actions, like yoga or meditation, can manage hypertension.


Apart from adjusting your lifestyle, you might need to take some drugs to tackle your high blood pressure. There are a few medicine types that can help regulate it: 


  1. Pills that make you urinate: These help get rid of excess water and salt in your system, which helps decrease your blood pressure. 
  2. Relaxers: These make your blood vessels unwind and reduce the amount of work your heart has to do, which lowers your blood pressure. 
  3. Blood vessel soothers: These also help your blood vessels relax and decrease your heart's workload, which lowers your blood pressure too. 
  4. Beta-blockers: These meds drastically lower your heart rate and reduce the force of your heart beats so that the heart can lower the blood pressure.
  5. Blockers: These block a hormone called angiotensin II, which plays a role in blood pressure, and help lower it. 


It's important to get a healthcare provider on board to figure out the best treatment plan to manage hypertension. This could involve a mix of lifestyle tweaks and medication.




Hypertension, commonly referred to as high blood pressure, is a prevalent health ailment that if not given adequate attention, can induce severe medical complications. While this disease often operates surreptitiously, camouflaged by an absence of overt high bp symptoms, it can be regulated by adopting certain lifestyle modifications. For instance, a wholesome diet, coupled with regular physical activity, curtailing alcohol intake, and managing psychological stress are some of the proven ways to control hypertension. 


In some instances, medication may also be prescribed as a supplementary measure to curtail blood pressure levels. It is crucial to liaise with a healthcare provider to establish a bespoke treatment strategy that effectively mitigates the high bp symptoms of hypertension while reducing the likelihood of related complications. By adhering to proper management protocols and instituting preventive measures, hypertension can be subdued, and the risks of deleterious health implications can be minimized.

Medanta Medical Team
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