A Healthy Woman Facing An Uncomplicated Birth Won’t See Much Modern Technology At Her Delivery

Becoming pregnant is a happy time in a woman's life. Additionally, it is novel and exciting at the same time The couple's journey into motherhood is filled with questions, many of which are answered by their friends, family, or relatives. But should you believe those responses? Many such responses are superstitions that are not based on scientific principles. One should go with the doctor's advice when in doubt.
A healthy woman facing a straightforward delivery won't encounter a lot of modern technology.
The reality is that most births include technology in some way Even when moms and infants appear to be healthy, this is nevertheless true. Technology includes anything from spinal or epidural anesthetics to fluid therapy pumps and electronic fetal monitoring.
These therapies have changed pregnancies and assisted mothers in having healthy babies when utilized as intended. According to some groups, they pose danger and should not be used frequently. However, when used under expert guidance and care, they are safe and effective.
Having sex when pregnant is prohibited.
In the 2nd or 3rd trimester, unless your doctor has advised against it, having sex while pregnant is safe. For instance, you might be recommended to postpone having sex until after giving birth if you have bleeding, a low-lying placenta, cervical weakening, or preterm labor.
Your sex drive changes while pregnant, which is common. Some expectant women enjoy having sex, while others don't.
An orgasm or even sex itself later in pregnancy can occasionally cause Braxton Hicks contractions. This is typical, but if you have any worries, don't be afraid to discuss them with your doctor.
Use a barrier method of contraception, such as a condom, if you or your sexual partner are engaging in sexual activity with another person while you are pregnant to safeguard both you and your unborn child against sexually transmitted diseases (STIs).
Morning sickness is a morning-only condition.
Morning sickness is a term used to describe vomiting and nausea in pregnancy in the morning. However, illness could strike at any hour of the day or night, or you might feel ill all day.
Consult your doctor if you are experiencing nausea during pregnancy or if you are unable to swallow anything. Hyperemesis gravidarum is a condition in which vomiting during pregnancy is so severe as to cause significant weight loss and health problems.
Keep in mind that every pregnancy is unique, so you might not have morning sickness.
Caffeine is not permitted during pregnancy.
In the past, pregnant women were advised to avoid caffeine, but current research indicates that, with a few safeguards, small quantities are safe. According to the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) and other specialists, pregnant women consume up to 200 milligrams of caffeine daily, or about 2 small cups of tea.
Remember that since caffeine can pass through the placenta barrier, exceeding your daily limit of caffeine can raise your chance of miscarriage. Be especially careful with chocolates and drinks, as they often contain caffeine.
Stretch marks can be avoided with creams and serums
While some creams can hasten the fading of stretch marks once they have developed, no cream can fully guard against the development of stretch marks if they are an inherited trait. But hydrating your skin helps keep it soft and speeds up the healing process. The best course of action if you're concerned about stretch marks is to diligently use a toxin-free moisturizer three times each day throughout your pregnancy. As a result, your skin will remain supple, elastic, and better suited to stretch both during and after pregnancy. While shea butter, cocoa butter, and comparable creams effectively reduce stretch marks, see your doctor about the skincare products that are most appropriate for you.
You shouldn't exercise during pregnancy
Talk to your doctor about exercising during pregnancy. For most women, if there are no complications, exercising is safe and healthy for the baby.
Benefits of exercising during pregnancy: Exercise helps avoid excessive weight gain during pregnancy, increases the chances of a normal delivery, manages stress, ensures good sleep, and reduces the risk of some complications like gestational diabetes and preeclampsia.
Some of the activities that are safe in pregnancy are walking, swimming, water aerobics, pregnancy yoga, low impact aerobics etc.
For some women, exercise is not safe during pregnancy. Women having preterm labor, bleeding during pregnancy, those who are carrying twins or triplets, high blood pressure, certain heart or lung conditions, a low-lying placenta, severe anemia, etc. are often asked to avoid exercise.
Always take your doctor's advice before starting exercise during pregnancy.