11 Symptoms of Cancer in Woman That Needs Immediate Attention

Cancer is one of India’s biggest killers - second only to heart disease. A study by Lancet Oncology, one of world's oldest and most prestigious medical journals, finds that the trend in India is reversed - more women than men are prone to getting cancer. Breast cancer is the most common, followed by Cervical and Ovarian cancer.
Early intervention can go a long way in winning the fight against cancer. Here are 11 warning signs to look out for, that can help you detect cancer before it is too late.
Look Out for Any Changes in Your Breasts
Make it a point to regularly inspect your breasts for physical changes like abnormal lumps and dimples. Sudden Nipple discharges and inversions accompanied by redness and scaling can also be telltale signs of breast cancer. Contact a trusted physician as soon as you notice these signs.
2. Abnormal Bleeding
Are you experiencing any bleeding outside of your scheduled monthly periods? Let your gynaecologist know immediately. Women with Endometrial cancer diagnoses are known to exhibit symptoms like irregular bleeding, especially after menopause. Other signs of Endometrial cancers can include bleeding during sex and bloody vaginal discharge. Abnormal bleeding is also the starting point of Cervical cancer.
Changes in Your Skin
2. Swelling in Your Lymph Nodes
3. Difficulties in Swallowing Food
While sporadic issues in swallowing food should not be a major cause of concern. Constant swallowing difficulties coupled with sudden weight loss and frequent vomiting bouts can be an indication of cancer of the throat or stomach.
4. Weight Loss Without Trying
Are you losing weight without any concentrated efforts to lose weight? Such rapid weight loss can usually be attributed to thyroid problems or high levels of stress and anxiety. It is important to consider getting a cancer checkup in the absence of either as they could be telltale signs of cancers of the lung,stomach and pancreas.
Persistent Heartburn
Overindulging in food and alcohol or stressing at work can lead to issues like chronic heartburn. This can sometimes end up becoming a persistent problem that can cause major damage to you inner esophageal lining as well as raise your risk of developing cancers of the throat,stomach and ovaries.
Sores in Your Mouth
Pelvic and Abdominal Pain
Blood in the Stool
A common occurrence but do not self-medicate thinking it is just hemorrhoids or constipation. Get your doctor's opinion, especially if you are above 50 years old. This could be a symptom of Colon cancer.
Feeling Constantly Fatigued