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6 Symptoms Of Brain Tumor That Could Be Fatal

6 Symptoms Of Brain Tumor That Could Be Fatal

Brain tumours often differ depending on where in the brain they are located. The signs or symptoms of such brain tumours will also differ depending on its type. Two people with the same kind of tumour may exhibit symptoms that are different from each other. Some symptoms may be typical of a different underlying neurological or brain disorder. The correct diagnosis becomes necessary here in order to get the right kind of treatment. Read on to understand the early warning signs of a brain tumour.

First Six Warning Signs of a Brain Tumour


1. Seizures


With the interference or irritation of the brain tumour pressing on a nerve, neurons fire signals uncontrollably. When this happens, you experience abnormal movements in your body. This includes whole-body convulsions, jerking or flexing which is limited to one limb or part of your face.

2. Clumsiness

This may not mean simply being reckless with the way you handle items. If you have a brain tumour then you may struggle with balancing yourself including clumsiness in your arms, legs, or hands. Circumstances like fumbling with your keys and missing steps, problems while speaking, controlling your facial expressions or even swallowing.

3. Numbness



Losing a sense of feeling in your face or any part of your body is another warning sign of a brain tumour. You may experience clumsiness if the tumour cells are located on your brain stem connected to your spinal cord.


4. Changes in Memory

Problems with thinking or difficulty remembering and feeling confused more often than not are signs of an underlying brain tumour. You may rarely notice a drastic shift in behavioural patterns which usually happens if the tumour progresses to advanced stages.

5. Nausea




Persistent episodes of nausea like a stomach illness without reason might be the warning sign of a brain tumour.

6. Changes in Vision


Lastly, one of the warning signs of a brain tumour could be what is called the aura. You may see floating spots or shapes. You may experience blurry or double vision and the problem may persist up to even loss of vision.

What may not be the first sign of a Brain Tumour?

Headaches are a symptom of a brain tumour but often are not an early indicator. This is a symptom that may emerge once you have reached an advanced stage of the tumour in your brain.


Brain tumours may be the cause of a genetic disorder but mostly, risk factors are not known. Brain tumours could occur at any age with children and the elderly (above 60 years) being most at risk.

Treatment for brain tumours includes medications, radiation, and chemotherapy. Not all brain tumours are cancerous; hence, they may not require treatment. However, even though diagnosed as a benign tumour (non-cancerous), its growth or changes will be monitored by your doctor.




These first six warning signs are not a way of fully confirming a brain tumour. They could be contributing factors of another disease as well. Therefore, consulting your doctor for the right diagnosis will help confirm as to whether you have a brain tumour.







Medanta Medical Team
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