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Mythbuster: The macronutrient ratio matters more than diet quality

Mythbuster: The macronutrient ratio matters more than diet quality

Anyone who has ever been on a diet is aware that the typical recommendation for weight loss is to consume fewer calories.


However, a recent study found that people who reduced their intake of added sugar, refined grains, and highly processed foods while focusing on eating lots of vegetables and whole foods over a year lost massive amounts of weight without worrying about calorie counting or portion control.


Carbohydrates, lipids, and proteins are the elements that your body needs in substantial quantities for healthy growth and development. Micronutrients, on the other hand, are nutrients that your body only needs in very little amounts, such as vitamins and minerals.


While counting calories is comparable to calculating macronutrients, the latter takes into account the source of the calories. To achieve weight loss objectives, increase muscle mass, and maintain blood sugar balance, some people measure their macronutrients. However, a lot of people can find it time-consuming, isolating, and perplexing.


If a person's diet is extremely limited, there may be hazards connected with a macro diet, such as vitamin and mineral deficits.


Calorie counting:


A calorie is a unit of measurement for the energy content of a certain meal or beverage. One food calorie comprises around 4.2 joules of energy, whether it comes from fats, carbohydrates, or proteins.


By this standard, all calories are equivalent. However, this presumption disregards the intricate nature of human physiology. How hungry or full you feel, your metabolic rate, your brain activity, and your hormonal response can all be impacted by food and the macronutrient makeup of that food.


Therefore, although having the same amount of energy, 100 calories of broccoli and 100 calories of doughnuts have quite distinct effects on your body and dietary preferences.

100 calories and 8 grams of fibre are included in 340 grams of broccoli. On the other hand, just half of a moderate glazed doughnut has 100 calories, mostly made up of refined carbohydrates and fats.






The body gets its energy from macronutrients, often known as macros. Foods are made up of three macronutrients protein, fat, and carbohydrates. These macronutrients are present in varying levels in various foods.


The quantity of energy per gram that is included in protein, fat, and carbs varies.

  1. Protein: The synthesis and regeneration of tissues, cellular communication, enzymatic activity, immunological function, and other bodily processes all require proteins. Animal products including meat, fish, eggs, beans, tofu, and nuts are examples of foods high in protein.
  2. Fat: It aids in the body's ability to store energy. Additionally, it safeguards the nervous system, controls hormones, facilitates nutrition absorption, and regulates body temperature. Butter, oil, avocados, nuts, fatty seafood, and meat are a few examples of high-fat foods.
  3. Carbohydrates: Sugar, starch, and fibre make up carbohydrates or carbs. They serve as the body's primary energy source. Carbohydrate-rich foods include things like potatoes, rice, pasta, fruit, beans, and oats. The DGA advises individuals to receive 45–65% of their daily calories from carbohydrates, which provide 4 calories per gram.


Quality of diet:


You must eat fewer calories than you use to develop a calorie deficit and lose weight. By doing this, regardless of the proportions of carbs, fats, and proteins in your diet, you compel your body to use its existing energy reserves.

Once you've established a calorie deficit, it's critical to take into consideration the kinds of meals you're consuming because some are more nutrient- and diet-friendly than others.


Nutrient-dense foods have a high concentration of nutrients yet have few calories.


Nutrient-dense foods include phytochemicals as well as fibre, lean protein, healthy fats, vitamins, and minerals.


Foods like dairy, beans, legumes, whole grains, fruits, and vegetables are among them.




Macronutrients are the three fundamental elements of any diet: carbohydrates, lipids, and protein.  Your nutrient intake does not directly affect your ability to lose weight.


The appropriate macronutrient distribution ranges (AMDR) provide for carbohydrates to make up 45–65% of your daily calories, followed by fats at 20–35% and protein at 10–35%.


Find a ratio you can keep to, prioritise eating nutritious meals, and consume fewer calories than you expend to lose weight.

Medanta Medical Team
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