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Medanta Team's Special Initiative: Raising Awareness Among Visitors and Staff on World Hand Hygiene Day

Medanta Team's Special Initiative: Raising Awareness Among Visitors and Staff on World Hand Hygiene Day

Indore, May 8, 2024. Hand cleanliness is crucial to preventing the spread of many diseases. To emphasize this, World Hand Hygiene Day is celebrated annually on May 5th to raise awareness about hand hygiene and prevent the spread of infections. This year's theme for World Hand Hygiene Day is to provide innovative and effective training and education to healthcare workers about hand hygiene and disease prevention. The goal of this theme is to promote hand hygiene to further aid in disease prevention within the healthcare sector. In line with this objective, Dr. Kamlesh Patel and his colleagues Purnima, Sandeep, and the entire team from Medanta Super Specialty organized an awareness program. The awareness program was conducted in two parts: one for visitors coming to see patients and the other for the medical staff. Dr. Patel and his team creatively explained the correct techniques of hand hygiene by dancing. In the program organized for patient visitors, Dr. Patel and his team discussed common issues related to hand hygiene and asked questions to the audience. Those who answered correctly were rewarded with prizes. For the program organized for medical staff and doctors, Dr. Patel's team conducted a quiz and explained the importance of cleanliness in patient care. The team also gave a live demonstration of the correct handwashing techniques and encouraged people to keep their hands clean and stay safe and healthy.
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