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Medanta stresses the importance of holistic maternity and neonatal care amid modern parenthood challenges

Medanta stresses the importance of holistic maternity and neonatal care amid modern parenthood challenges

Medanta stresses the importance of holistic maternity and neonatal care amid modern parenthood challenges Gurugram, May 10, 2024 – Medanta, a leading healthcare provider, hosted an exclusive panel discussion centred around the theme 'Modern Age Parenting - Challenges and Solutions'. The discussion highlighted the multifaceted issues faced by young couples post-marriage, such as late pregnancies, parenting hurdles, and the complexities surrounding preterm births. The discussion aimed to equip attendees with actionable insights so that they could confidently navigate the journey of parenthood. The panel was led by Dr Preeti Rastogi, Head of the Dept. of Obstetrics & Gynecology and deliberated by esteemed panellists, Dr T.J Antony (Director, Neonatology), Dr. Saurabh Mehrotra (Associate Director, Psychiatry) and Ms. Sandhya (Senior Dietician). Furthermore, on the occasion of upcoming Mother’s Day and completing a year of providing comprehensive mother and child care services, the hospital launched a new state of the art maternity ward, inclusive of 50 beds (including more than 25 dedicated NICU beds), neonatal ICU, 2 labour rooms, 1 OT, pre & post HDU beds, breastfeeding room and on floor admission to offer advanced medical services, compassionate care, and expert guidance, ensuring optimal health outcomes for patients. Shedding light on the challenges confronting women related to pregnancy, Dr. Preeti Rastogi, Director and Head, Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Medanta, Gurugram said, “From adolescence to menopause, women face a spectrum of health challenges, including nutritional needs and emotional hurdles during childbirth. With the changing trends regarding the age at conception and increased rates of assisted conception, there has been an increase in the complications encountered in pregnancy. Multiple pregnancies resulting from IVF procedures have added to the burden of preterm deliveries. These realities emphasize the evolving landscape of women's health and the imperative for holistic support inclusive of physical, emotional, social, intellectual, occupational and spiritual well-being." “Caring for preterm and extremely preterm infants demands specialised expertise and access to a neonatal tertiary care centre. At our facility, in the past year, we have managed more than 200 babies in the NICU from preterm infants to babies born with complications, even those requiring surgical interventions or multidisciplinary attention. Various factors, such as maternal health conditions and socio-economic factors, contribute to preterm deliveries. This necessitates meticulous monitoring, personalized nutrition, respiratory support, developmental interventions, and family-centered assistance, ensuring each child receives individualized care”, said Dr. Thekkinedath Joseph Antony, Director, Neonatology, Paediatric Care, Medanta, Gurugram. Dr Saurabh Mehrotra, Associate Director, Psychiatry, Institute of Neurosciences, Medanta, Gurugram, said, “The journey to parenthood presents couples with a myriad of challenges, often impacting their emotional well-being profoundly. The complexities surrounding late pregnancies, assisted conception methods like IVF, and the burden of preterm deliveries weigh heavily on maternal mental health. Studies reveal that maternal mental illness during pregnancy correlates with adverse outcomes for both mother and child, including preterm delivery and poor neurodevelopment. At Medanta, we witness approximately 70-80% mothers having post-partum blues out of which 20% of mothers with post-partum depression grappling with such mental health challenges, emphasizing the critical need for comprehensive emotional support and holistic care throughout the perinatal period.” Over the past year, Medanta Gurugram has successfully managed numerous high-risk pregnancies, which included cases involving morbidly adherent placenta, pregnancies complicated by medical conditions such as leukemia, brain tumors, chronic kidney disease, and heart disease, as well as pregnancies with Rh isoimmunization. Additionally, the hospital has facilitated extreme preterm deliveries at 25 weeks, with babies weighing around 500-600 grams successfully discharged home.
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