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6 Tips to Keep Children Away from Flu in Winters

6 Tips to Keep Children Away from Flu in Winters

Protect Your Children against the Winter Flu
Protect Your Children against the Winter Flu

Winters in India can mean a much-needed break from the sweltering summer heat. But if you let your guard down, they can also mean infections and illnesses for your children. Read on to understand how you can keep your children hearty and healthy this winter.

1. Remind Them to Wash Hands Often
1. Remind Them to Wash Hands Often

The flu-causing influenza virus is known to peak during winters. Keep reminding them to wash their hands - be it at home or at school. This is especially important before meals, after playing, using the bathroom, after coughing or sneezing and when they have spent a long time outdoors.

2. Eat a Healthy, Seasonal Diet
2. Eat a Healthy, Seasonal Diet

The body’s immune function slows down during winters. You can boost your kid's immunity a boost with the help of antioxidant-rich foods like spinach, beans, beetroots, mushroom and broccoli - with spices like cinnamon, ginger, turmeric, and pepper. Winter fruits like berries, kinnows and oranges help a lot.

3. Ensure They Get to Rest
3. Ensure They Get to Rest

For children, getting 8-10 hours of sleep daily is key to maintaining optimal health. Ensure your child is getting this rest every day by cultivating a strict bedtime routine.

4. Ensure they Drink Enough Water
4. Ensure they Drink Enough Water

The cold winter can cause us to become dehydrated by diminishing our thirst response. Ensure that your child is sipping enough water through the day as fluid intake is crucial to maintaining body health, skin moisture, nutrient distribution and flushing out toxins.

5. Wipe Daily-use Objects
5. Wipe Daily-use Objects

Make sure you wipe all the things kids use frequently like pencil boxes, books, toys and devices like the remote, phone. Whenever possible, get them to wear gloves.

6. Practice Coughing and Sneezing habits
6. Practice Coughing and Sneezing habits

In the end, even if your child gets the flu, ensure the germs are not spread around. Teach them to cover their mouth and nose with a handkerchief or tissue when they cough or sneeze. Further, ensure they do not touch their nose or eyes with unclean hands. Keep a hand-sanitizer handy, along with wet wipes.

Medanta Medical Team
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