
Pioneers in minimally invasive urological surgeries for quicker recoveries.
Expertise in male and female urinary tract disorders and comprehensive solutions.
Renowned for kidney stone management and prevention strategies.
Leaders in advanced prostate cancer diagnostics and personalized treatment.
Innovative approaches to urinary incontinence, restoring quality of life.
State-of-the-art robotic-assisted surgeries for precise urological procedures.
‘Urology Team’
Your Partner in Urological Wellness and Recovery
Urology Team :
Renowned urologists, dedicated to your urinary health
Doctors, Pioneers, Life Savers
Our superspecialist doctors provide the highest quality of care through a team-based, doctor-led model. Trained at some of the world's most renowned institutions, our highly experienced doctors are distinguished experts in their respective specialities. Our doctors work full-time and exclusively across Medanta hospitals. In addition to offering superspecialised care in their own field, the Medanta organisational structure enables every doctor to help create a culture of collaboration and multispecialty care integration.
Our superspecialist doctors provide the highest quality of care through a team-based, doctor-led model. Trained at some of the world's most renowned i..... Continue Reading