Radiation Oncology

A brain tumor is a collection of abnormal cells inside the brain. The majority of brain tumors are generally benign and develop slowly, but some are malignant and grow rapidly. The most common symptoms include recently started headaches, vomiting, sleep disturbances, nausea, and exhaustion.

If lung cancer isn't put into remission quickly, there's a good chance that it will spread (metastasize) to many other parts of the body beyond the lungs and lymph nodes near. The term "advanced lung cancer" may be used by doctors to describe metastatic lung cancer. Although the ailment is regarded as intractable, it may be reassuring to know that medicines that could slow its progression and possibly lengthen life are getting better every day.

Cancers of the head and neck include cancers that begin in multiple locations in the head and throat, but do not include brain or eye cancers.
Our superspecialist doctors provide the highest quality of care through a team-based, doctor-led model. Trained at some of the world's most renowned institutions, our highly experienced doctors are distinguished experts in their respective specialities. Our doctors work full-time and exclusively across Medanta hospitals. In addition to offering superspecialised care in their own field, the Medanta organisational structure enables every doctor to help create a culture of collaboration and multispecialty care integration.
Our superspecialist doctors provide the highest quality of care through a team-based, doctor-led model. Trained at some of the world's most renowned i..... Continue Reading