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We've made history by introducing vasculomimetic stents in the femoral artery.
Crafting personalized treatments tailored to your unique needs and preferences.
Our dedicated team provides unmatched care for children facing neurological conditions, setting a global benchmark.
Leading the way in genetic testing advancements and customizing treatment plans based on your unique genetic profile.
Our specialized units house top-tier experts committed to precision management of critical neurological conditions.
We provide unparalleled Stroke Intervention through our Telestroke service, ensuring unmatched care and support.
Neurology Team

The Neurology Department at Medanta Hospital consists of neurologists, neurosurgeons, and specialists in various neurological subfields who work in perfect harmony to provide patients with comprehensive and impartial advice.

Neurology Team

Our Neurology Department extends beyond traditional boundaries to embrace the latest advances in neurotechnology. We're at the forefront of using AI-driven diagnostics, personalized treatment plans, and even virtual reality-based neurorehabilitation, ensuring that our patients receive the most advanced care available.

Neurology Team

Our approach in the Neurology Department is dedicated to covering the full spectrum of neurological well-being, from proactive measures in prevention and disease management to cutting-edge clinical evaluations, interventional procedures, and advanced surgical interventions. We offer a holistic approach to neurological care that sets us apart.

Medanta is a Level 1 Trauma Facility
Expert neurology care, 24/7, for your peace of mind.

We adhere to standard protocols for the treatment of various illnesses and injuries.


Rapid triage is implemented to prioritize the most critical patients, ultimately saving more lives.


Our well-trained and disciplined medical staff is well-equipped to handle the challenges of caring for critically ill patients.


We utilize straightforward flowcharts for diagnosing, investigating, and managing emergency patients.

Our Treatments
Brain Tumours
Brain Tumours

Brain Tumors: Brain tumors can be benign or malignant growths in the brain, affecting neurological function. Diagnosis often involves imaging and may require surgical removal or radiation therapy.


Epilepsy: Epilepsy is a neurological disorder characterized by recurrent seizures. Treatment options include antiepileptic medications, dietary therapy, and, in some cases, surgery to control or manage the condition.


Stroke: Stroke is a medical emergency caused by a blockage or bleeding in the brain's blood vessels, leading to impaired brain function. Rapid intervention is crucial to minimize brain damage and long-term consequences.

Know More About Our Sub-Specialization
Patient Stories
ब्रेन ट्यूमर

Mrs. Parmila Mishra

Stroke Recovery

Mr. Jagdish

ब्रेन स्ट्रोक

Rajveer Singh

ब्रेन एन्यूरिज्म

पवन कुमार


Mrs. Nirmal Anand

न्यूरो इंटरवेंशन

अरबिंद कुमार

गुइलेन-बैरे सिंड्रोम (GBS)

Ms. Aditri

Patient Stories
ब्रेन ट्यूमर

Mrs. Parmila Mishra

Stroke Recovery

Mr. Jagdish

ब्रेन स्ट्रोक

Rajveer Singh

ब्रेन एन्यूरिज्म

पवन कुमार


Mrs. Nirmal Anand

न्यूरो इंटरवेंशन

अरबिंद कुमार

गुइलेन-बैरे सिंड्रोम (GBS)

Ms. Aditri

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