Rhytidectomy, also known as a facelift, is a cosmetic surgical process done to remove the visible signs of ageing such as wrinkles, creases, loose skin, and saggy deposits. The procedure involves cutt.....
Rhytidectomy, also known as a facelift, is a cosmetic surgical process done to remove the visible signs of ageing such as wrinkles, creases, loose skin, and saggy deposits. The procedure involves cutting the excess skin of the face, tightening the underlying tissues, and re-draping of the skin to make the face look toned, youthful, and fresh.
Steps to take before Rhytidectomy
Reconstructive surgeries can be draining and perplexing, but our team of skilled doctors will ensure you are given the best care and assessment during and post-treatment. At the consultation stage, discuss with your doctor the area you want to enhance. Our doctors will also help you develop a realistic understanding of how your face will look post-surgery.

What happens during the procedure?
The surgery is performed under general anaesthesia. Small incisions are made on the temples, ears, and chin. Tiny instruments are inserted through the incisions to lift the muscles of the face, to remove the excess fat, and to re-drape tissues. Incisions are then closed with small stitches.

After the procedure
After the surgery, you will be advised to keep your head elevated and still. Your doctor will remove the stitches and dressings in 5-10 days. Certain medications will be prescribed to relieve the pain. A cold compress can be used to relieve swelling and bruises. You can return back to your normal schedule in 2-3 weeks.

The surgery can alter the signs of ageing and smooth out the face, but as any other surgery, it also has a few risks associated with it.

There are many benefits of a Rhytidectomy.
- It not only make the skin tighter and look younger, but also eliminates any sign of sun damage, wrinkles, and creases.
- A facelift brings back youthful appearance and boosts confidence and self-esteem.
- The signs of ageing after the procedure are not that common.

The common risks and limitations of Rhytidectomy are the same as any surgical process. However, risks vary from one person to another. The risks include minor pain, swelling, bruising, and scarring. If a person feels more than a minor change to his skin, he should immediately consult with the surgeon or physician.

- Numbness of the skin may last for months after the surgery.
- Your skin may feel rough and dry for a few months.
- Men sometimes have to shave in new places because the skin has been rearranged.