Reduction mammoplasty is also known as breast reduction surgery. It is surgically done to remove fat (excessive) from the breasts. During the process, the breast tissues and extra skin are also remove.....
Reduction mammoplasty is also known as breast reduction surgery. It is surgically done to remove fat (excessive) from the breasts. During the process, the breast tissues and extra skin are also removed from the breasts. It is an operation done to reduce the breasts size. The breast portion will be removed by making surgical cuts under your breasts and on both the sides.
Steps to take before the procedure
Your doctor will physically examine your breasts and will run a few tests such as X-ray, lung test, echo test, blood tests, and urine test, to assess your condition. Mammography is also done. You need to inform your doctor about your routine medicines. Your diet will also be monitored before the surgery. Usually, you cannot eat or drink for few hours, before the surgery. It is also important to discuss with your doctor, about your expectations. Talk about your appearance post-surgery.

What happens during the procedure?
You will be given local or general anaesthesia. A surgical cut will be made around the areola (the pigmented area of your nipple), to the underside of your breasts. The fatty tissue and skin will be removed. Sometimes, your nipple and areola will be detached from your breasts, during the surgery. In that case, at the end of the procedure, your nipple will be repositioned. A surgical bandage will be used on your breasts. The excess blood will be removed, by placing a tube under your arms.

After the procedure
Post-surgery your doctor may prescribe you a few painkillers and antibiotics to relieve pain and reduce the risk of infection. Your breasts will be sensitive, swollen, or bruised, for the next few days. You will be required to wear a soft bra, and not exert the breast portion. Scarring will go away with time.

The procedure has revolutionised medical procedure, but as any other surgery, it has a few risks associated with it, which a person must be aware of.

A breast reduction surgery can relieve the patient of pain or any other discomfort associated with heavy breasts. Your participation in physical activities will improve your self-confidence. If you go out for a walk, your chest will feel less heavy post the surgery. Health benefits include reduced pain in the neck, shoulder, and the back.

Before opting for Reduction Mammoplasty surgery, a woman should consider the risks associated with the surgery. Major risks include less sensation in the nipples or breasts, uneven shaped breasts or nipples, scar on the breasts, breastfeeding problems, fat necrosis, and general surgery allergic reactions.

Major limitations of the surgery are longer recovery period and visible scars.