To book an appointment with Dr. Preeti Rastogi, click here - https://bit.ly/3SNjzdG Mrs. Baby Kumari started to experience a number of problems after she had a caesarean delivery of her baby, ones that can be primarily linked to certain delivery complications that were present in her case. After a.....
To book an appointment with Dr. Preeti Rastogi, click here - https://bit.ly/3SNjzdG Mrs. Baby Kumari started to experience a number of problems after she had a caesarean delivery of her baby, ones that can be primarily linked to certain delivery complications that were present in her case. After a couple of sub-par diagnoses and treatments, she decided to visit Dr. Preeti Rastogi at Medanta. Here, it was identified that she had Hematoma, something that was carefully operated and cured through comprehensive cross-department surgeries. Keep watching to find out how Dr. Preeti Rastogi and her team managed to heal Mrs. Kumari effectively. Visit Dr. Preeti Rastogi’s profile- https://www.medanta.org/doctors/dr-preeti-rastogi Visit our Website - https://www.medanta.org/ Follow us for the latest updates: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/medanta/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/medanta Subscribe Now: https://www.youtube.com/user/MedantaTheMedicity #preetirastogidoctor #hematomatreatment #patientsuccessstory #medicalexcellence #medantacare #healthcarejourney #expertmedicalcare #interdisciplinarytreatment #medantahospital #healthrecovery #medicalmiracle #qualityhealthcare #medantaexpertise #medicalinnovation #patientcarejourney #medantagurgaon #healthupdates #medantayoutube #medicalsuccess #healthcareexcellence #expertmedicalteam